Tag Archives: IBS

And I’m back in school

So, I mostly recovered from whatever the heck I have. Had a colonoscopy in May (a week before my sister’s wedding) and the doctor decided I DON’T have Crohn’s disease. Maybe just Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I suspect that it is a hyperactive thyroid, but I’m going to wait to test that theory until Christmas break. It is mostly triggered by stress, so as long as I get enough sleep and stay away from too much caffeine, I do fine.

I got engaged.

To the only man I’ve ever dated. Who lives in another state. Crazy, I know. He flew from Kansas to Ohio to propose to me in a garden in the city. Have you ever gone with a friend to a cafe, only to arrive and find that it is a garden, your friend has disappeared, and after following clues all over the topiary garden, that your one true love has a question for you? It’s a bit disorientingly wonderful.

He and I have a lot to learn about understanding each other. But we are on the right track. We start premarital counseling in a few weeks. Wedding in T minus 8 months.

And I’m a senior intern at my church, leading a team of young adults in leading the youth group, because we have no official youth pastor. I preach one week and help lead worship the other. And it is an amazing experience.

I live in a tiny apartment with a friend on campus. And last night we discovered that we have a mouse living in our kitchen/living room. I made the mistake of naming him. Apparently my roommate thinks this was not a good idea. So Alfred is going to have to die, as soon as we can catch him.

Did you know that I’m writing this post because I’m avoiding homework? In class we are reading George Lindbeck’s famous book The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age. My Systemmatic Theology professor told us to write a paper on the three most common ways of looking at the world doctrinally: cognitive/propositional, experiential/expressive, and cultural/linguistic; pick one; and talk about the pros and cons of it. The problem is that I don’t have 1200 words worth of talking about it. Sigh. The problem of a college student: to write BS to make length requirements or stay up another hour trying to think of actual good stuff to add to the paper.

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Posted by on September 23, 2012 in This Just In


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